Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Back in.
I hope I can do it this time.
I feel like such a failure.


Juliannabells said...

Of course you will. You're not a failure, you just slacked. Just don't slack this time. You can do it. <3

I mean, come on, you're loads smarter than I am, and I passed. Just gotta do the work. You're Robert, remember? You set you're mind to something and you're a pro. Just look at what you've accomplished non-academically.

I miss you. I'm sad that you don't text me. It causes me to get anxiety and, ultimately, more stress. Spare me? Haha... It's all I ask. :/ Don't mean to be "whiny" but, I do a lot for you, and I don't ask for much at all.I know you can, you text emilee all day long. I bet this message is just going into an abyss or nothingness, like most of my messages, but mayyyybe you'll read it...

Juliannabells said...

And... I am so sorry you are depressed. So am I.

I wish we could talk.